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Monday, January 2, 2012

Pie Recipe #1 - Deep Dish Apple Pie

Of course the first pie of the new year had to be apple. This recipe I've used for years, don't know its origin, and have changed a couple of things over the years. Making pie pastry can be daunting, but after a few times you can be a pro. One of the secrets is to not handle the dough any more than necessary and to let it rest in between rollings.

Ingredients: Pastry: 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt (I prefer sea salt, but any will do), 1 cup shortening, 1/2 cup cold water (original recipe called for milk, but I use water). Filling: 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar, 6 tablespoons all-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon (I use a tad more), 4-6 apples (I prefer Granny Smith), thinly sliced, 1/4 cup butter. Topping: 1 tablespoon milk, 1 tablespoon granulated sugar mixed with 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon.

Instructions: Make pastry: Place 1/2 cup water in a 1 cup container with a few ice cubes; set aside. Butter the bottom and sides of your favorite pie dish (I received a new, pretty, red one for Christmas). In large mixing bowl sift the flour and salt together. Add shortening and using a pastry blender mix until blended. Add cold water, a tablespoon at a time, mixing after each addition with a fork until well blended. Form into 2 balls and allow to rest on a lightly floured surface for a few minutes.

Using a floured rolling pin roll out one ball at a time, 5-6 rolls, then allow to rest for a few minutes (5-10). Roll again, 5-6 times, rest again. Continue until reaching the diameter of the pie pan plus some overhang. Leave it to rest (pie dough gets tired :))as you roll out the other ball of dough.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

In a medium mixing bowl mix granulated sugar, flour, and cinnamon until well blended. Stir in thinly sliced apples until coated with mixture; set aside.

Fold one rolled-out pastry in half and in half again, very carefully. Place in prepared pie dish and unfold, forming bottom crust. Place half of the apple mixture atop bottom pastry; thinly slice half of the butter randomly over apples. Add remaining apples and remaining butter. Fold other rolled-out pastry same as the first and place gently on top. Unfold, covering all apples.

With a sharp knife, run around pie plate exterior, trimming excess pastry. Using index finger of one hand and thumb of other hand, make ruffle design on edge of pie, or use fork tines to press top and bottom doughs together.

Brush top of pie with the milk and sprinkle with the sugar/cinnamon mixture. Cut small slits in top of pie in desired design; this allows steam to escape.

Bake in preheated 425 degree oven for 15 minutes before lowering temperature to 350 degrees. Continue baking for 35-40 minutes or until apples are tender when poked with a fork. Transfer to wire rack to cool.

Serve either warm or cold with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream.

"As easy as pie!"

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